
Do You Have An Electronic Assembly Project We Can Help With?

Choosing The Right PCB Enclosure

You will encounter PCB enclosures in almost every electrical device. From iPhones to smoke detectors, the outer cover of these devices is crucial to their functionality. Any electronic gadget is contained inside an enclosure made of plastic or some other

What Is Conformal Coating?

Circuit boards are exposed to various contaminants like moisture, dust, fungus, and abrasion. The conformal coating protects PCBs and electronics from external elements to improve their performance in harsh environments. Conformal coat technology was first used by the military, but

How does a pandemic impact electronic manufacturing?

According to a recent study conducted by Pew Research Centre, 96% of Americans own a mobile phone, while over 74% own a computer device. This is a clear sign of how the electronic manufacturing industry has shifted over the past

Outsourcing A Box Build Assembly

Outsourcing box build assembly is a common thing nowadays as it's convenient for many companies to receive a finished product from their CM. The process ranges from a single printed circuit board to a sub-assembly of mechanical components, cables, wires,

A Guide to Wire Harness Manufacturing

A wire harness is a collection of wires, cables, and connectors that transmit electric signals. Wire harnessing provides a neat and safe way to organize wires inside a system. When you hire a wire harness assembly company, they cut, strip,

SMT Assembly: Frequently Asked Questions

What is Surface Mount Technology (SMT)? SMT is an assembly and part packaging technology used to place and solder the components to the PCB surface directly. This technology helps reduce manufacturing costs and increase efficiency. The process also makes it

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